Piano Roll
Harmonic Guides
Klimper's piano roll provides you with visual guides on a note's stability in regard to your songs harmony, which are of tremendous help when writing and layering melodies.
For example, you could use
- the root notes as the central notes for your bassline
- arpeggiated root + basic chord notes to convey the core harmony
- a mix of mainly in-chord (with a focus on extensions) plus a few in-key passing notes for your lead melody
Zooming Horizontally
If your mouse has a scrollwheel, you can also hold [alt/option] + [shift] while scrolling. If you're using a trackpad, you might be able to use the pinch gesture as well (depending on your machines manufacturer).
You can zoom via keyboard shortcuts as well: press [ctrl] + [+]/[-] on Windows or [command] + [+]/[-] on macOS.
Zooming Vertically
If your mouse has a scrollwheel, you can also hold [alt/option] while scrolling. If you're using a trackpad, you might be able to use the pinch gesture while holding down [alt/option] as well, depending on your machines manufacturer.
You can zoom via keyboard shortcuts as well: press [alt] + [ctrl] + [+]/[-]on Windows or [option] + [command] + [+]/[-] on macOS.
Inserting / Removing Notes
- click to enter a new note
- double-click to delete a single note
- press [DEL] to delete selected notes
Selecting Notes
- click on a note to select it
- click into empty space between notes to deselect
- hold [Shift] to select additional notes
- Rectangle-Select: Hold down left mouse button in empty space
Cut, Copy + Paste
You can cut, copy and paste notes by using the commonly known keyboard shortcuts ([ctrl / command] + [x / c / v]). Notes are pasted with their original pitch at the location of the mouse cursor (with snapping applied, if active), as indicated by the small vertical marker above the piano roll:
Make sure note placement editing is engaged:

Hold down the mouse button on a note and drag it to the desired location.
Quickly Duplicating Notes
Make sure note placement editing is engaged, as above. Hold down [alt/option] and drag the selected notes to the desired destination:
When placement editing is engaged (see above), you can drag the beginning or the end of any note to alter its duration.
Make sure note velocity editing is engaged:
Hold down the left mouse button on a note and drag up to increase or down to decrease velocity. Whenever you lift your mouse button, you will hear a preview of the note at the current velocity.
If enabled, snapping is applied to all note placement changes. You can change the snapping setting in the top bar:
Altering your Songs's Harmony from the Piano Roll
Sometimes it's helpful to alter the song's chords on the note-level - i.e. if you want to change a single interval or enter chords not present in the Chord Palette:
- Select the notes that will form the new chord
- Right-click the selected note that is to become the root note
- In the context menu, go to "selected notes" and pick either the add or set option